Dig-Geotech Limited

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Contaminated Land
BRE 365 Soakaway Assessments

Site Investigation
Slope Stability
Isle of Wight.

Slope Stability Wednesday 19th of February 2025

In simple terms land slippage is the downward movement of a portion of ground due to gravitational forces. However slope geometry, the presence of groundwater and varying soil strength properties all interact to make the analyses of a slip relatively complex. Dig-Geotech has significant experience in dealing with slope stabilisation problems in the UK, Ireland and overseas. Dr David Grant, owner and principal of Dig-Geotech Ltd has a PhD related to the instrumentation & investigation of landslides and has published papers related to slope stabilisation.

Dig-Geotech commence slope stability investigations with a good, thorough walk-over and / or topographical survey. Key signs of imminent or slow movement are observed and recorded and the general setting of the site considered. Following the walk-over survey some initial ideas can be formed and, if considered necessary, a site investigation planned and carried out. Dig-Geotech Ltd use various commercial computer slope stability packages to aid with the analyses of slope stability issues and to model potential solutions.

For many slope stability problems the remedial works may be relatively simple – improved drainage and limited regrading. For other problems more complex remedial works may be required such as the construction of a retaining wall or introduction of geotechnical reinforcement and soil nails. For larger slope stability problems there are often no cost effective engineering solutions, in which case continued monitoring and risk assessment may be the most pragmatic answer.

Dig-Geotech can undertake the investigation of slope stability problems, carry out site investigations, analyse problems using computer software and design remedial works. Remedial works construction can be supervised on site and long-term slope monitoring carried out.



Contact Us:

David Grant
Dig-Geotech Ltd
+44 (0)1460 768 38
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